16 Facts and Stats About Cortisol
Cortisol: It’s a hormone that can have a huge impact on our mental and physical health. So here are 16 facts, stats and figures you need to know about cortisol in 2024.
Cortisol: It’s a hormone that can have a huge impact on our mental and physical health. So here are 16 facts, stats and figures you need to know about cortisol in 2024.
Cannabis – some swear by its medicinal values, some use it recreationally and others consider it a drug which can lead to serious substance abuse. What’s your take? Either way, here are 17 fact facts about cannabis.
If you’ve opened Tiktok at any point in the last couple of weeks there’s a good chance you’ve seen someone promoting Magnesium Glycinate supplements (with a commission driven link to buy them on Tiktok Shop of course). So is this just a Tiktok fad or are there any actual scientifically backed benefits to taking Magnesium Glycinate supplements? Let’s take a look.
Millions of us suffer pain regularly. And while the odd paracetemol will do no harm, relying on over the counter or prescription pain relief regularly for the long term can be problematic. For those who prefer a natural approach, here are 5 natural pain killers – proven by science.
CBD is often touted by those who sell it as something of a miracle supplement. But does it help with sleep? Let’s cut through the marketing chat and look specifically at what the science says.
Psilocybin is the compound found within magic mushrooms that causes the psychedelic affects. But more recently, it is being studied as something that could potentially help to beat depression. So what does the science say about psilocybin and depression? Let’s take a look
The Keto Diet – just a fad or does it really work? We take a look at the facts and fiction surrounding the Ketogenic diet.
The marketing will tell you that raspberry ketones WILL help you to lose weight. But let’s do away with the marketing talk for a moment and look at the science to find out whether this is actually true.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom has been largely touted as a near magical superfood. But let’s take the hype away and just look at what the science says. We’ve looked at a number of scientific studies to look at the likely health benefits of lion’s mane mushrooms.
Unless you’ve been locked in a cupboard for a few months (or, unlike me, you don’t waste too much time on Tiktok) you’ve not doubt seen viral video after viral video of people claiming that rosemary oil helped improve their hair growth. But what does the SCIENCE say? We looked at some of the key research studies carried out to date to find out whether or not these rosemary oil fuelled hair growth claims have any real basis.
Cortisol: It’s a hormone that can have a huge impact on our mental and physical health. So here are 16 facts, stats and figures you need to know about cortisol in 2024.
Cannabis – some swear by its medicinal values, some use it recreationally and others consider it a drug which can lead to serious substance abuse. What’s your take? Either way, here are 17 fact facts about cannabis.
If you’ve opened Tiktok at any point in the last couple of weeks there’s a good chance you’ve seen someone promoting Magnesium Glycinate supplements (with a commission driven link to buy them on Tiktok Shop of course). So is this just a Tiktok fad or are there any actual scientifically backed benefits to taking Magnesium Glycinate supplements? Let’s take a look.
Millions of us suffer pain regularly. And while the odd paracetemol will do no harm, relying on over the counter or prescription pain relief regularly for the long term can be problematic. For those who prefer a natural approach, here are 5 natural pain killers – proven by science.
CBD is often touted by those who sell it as something of a miracle supplement. But does it help with sleep? Let’s cut through the marketing chat and look specifically at what the science says.
In the world of wellness, CBD has become a bit of a star, especially when it comes to tackling anxiety. But what does the science say? Let’s look at the research and assess – does CBD work for anxiety?